White Apple Passion

White Apple Passion
for Health & Passion in Life

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Creating my blog, "White Apple Passion", regarding my health

I decided to create a blog allowing friends and family to view updates on my life as I make my decisions and go through breast cancer treatments...also journaling and creating images throughout, if I so desire.  I will either have listed an update or a journal page.  That way, if you want to find out what's going on without having to read my journals just look for the word "update" on each post and skip the rest.  If you want to hear my stories, then also read the posts I have listed as "my journal".
I call this blog, White Apple Passion for a couple of reasons.  Several years ago I discovered these charms that were apples made of white glass.  I loved them and thought they seemed like a symbol of "good health".  I created a necklace design using them while attaching to a card that I illustrated to represent "good health". These White Apple charms have been sold and given to many people representing wellness.  That's the story for White Apple.  The other word, Passion, I think is one of the most important components to have in life.  Having a passion allows enthusiasm in life which I believe is a very healthy thing.
White Apple Passion is a good thing.

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